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Last modified on 7/13/2011 11:01 AM by User.



Outbound Trunk Destination This is the sip trunking provider you want all out bound faxes to use.

Fax DID's & Endpoints:

DID A DID number you want to act as a fax
SIP The SIP extension to terminate the call OR apply the Area Code , Strip Area Code settings to when an outbound fax call is made from that SIP
extension. You can enter a “?” mark on the line and hit enter to get a search window of extensions you can use.
EMAIL The email address you want to send inbound faxes to this did to. Note: this will override the SIP setting and only send the fax to the email not to a ATA endpoint to be printed by a fax.
AREA CODE The area code you want added to any 7 digit numbers dialed by the sip endpoint
STRIP AREA CODE The area code you want striped from any 11 digit numbers dialed by the SIP endpoint.

Email To Fax:

The fax gateway has the ability to use a POP3 account to receive outbound fax emails from approved email addresses. The fax gateway will check the POP3 account that is configured every 5 minutes when a email matching one of the approved from address an outbound fax is created from the email/attachment and sent to the number provided in the subject line of the email.

POP3 Server This is the pop3 server used to check for new email faxes.
Username This is the user account used to check for new email faxes.
Password This is the password used to check for new email faxes

Email Address Allowed To Send Faxes via Email:

You can enter any email address you wish to allow to use the email to fax feature. The email address must be in the TO header of the email processed by the fax gateway.

Email To Fax Message Format:

In order to send a email to fax your outgoing email message must be formatted in the following way.

To Address The email address assigned to the fax gateways pop3 account
Subject The 7 or 11 digit number you want to fax to
Attachment The PDF document that you want to fax