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Ring Groups
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Last modified on 10/18/2011 12:57 PM by User.


Ring Groups

Each zone can have an unlimited number of ring groups. Ring group extension numbers are created automatically starting with the value found in the zone First ring group extension. You can use extension numbers in the same range as the ring groups, the system will not duplicate any number found in the extensions nor ring group.

Name The name of the ring group this can be any value.
Ring Type RING ALL: Will ring all the phones listed in the
members block.
SEQUENTIAL: Will ring the first member then
second followed by the next and so on.
RANDOM: Will randomly ring one of the
extensions in the group.
RING AND ADD NEXT: Will ring the first then
add the next while still ringing the next member.
Ring Timer Total number of seconds before going to final destination.  Note that as of v2.7.1 if the ring time is less then 0 or greater then 120 it will be set to 120 or 2 minutes.
Ring Tone The ringer used to ring Aastra endpoints when calls are made to this ring group. If you set the Ring Tone to Zone it will use the zones “External Call Ringer” setting. Setting the ring tone to none will use the endpoints external call ring tone.
Final Destination Calls goes to if no one picks up in the ring group.
Has Voicemail Box Builds a voice mail box for ring group. All members of the ring group will automatically get any new messages which are left in the ring groups mail box. Its treated as a distribution box.
Play Caller Pre Msg Options Play the caller options before taking a new message. Available with v2.9.1 and up.
Play Caller Post Msg Options Play the caller options after taking their message but before sending it.  Available with v2.9.1 and up.
Max Number Of Messages The maximum number of messages a mail box will store before it stops taking new messages.  Available with v2.9.1 and up.
Member Can be any SIP or VIRTUAL extension and any zone which is a friend.